アグネスへの手紙の中で 信心をするためにできるだけよく寝て、頭をすっきりさせておくようにとの指示です。 今は毎日が寝不足で、病人訪問をするのを控えています。これがメールで飛んできたのは私への警告のためかもしれません。タイムリーです。
"... keep yourself recollected; keep your spirit raised...; take what nourishment you need out of love for God; sleep as much as you need so that your head may be clear and prepared for your exercises of piety."~Paul of the Cross' letter to Agnes Grazi 4th letter on August 10, 1733 in Volume #1 - Paul's Letter #62
"... keep yourself recollected; keep your spirit raised...; take what nourishment you need out of love for God; sleep as much as you need so that your head may be clear and prepared for your exercises of piety."~Paul of the Cross' letter to Agnes Grazi 4th letter on August 10, 1733 in Volume #1 - Paul's Letter #62