
Dear Paul,
It will be a joy to see you again, and to participate in the CCR Priests' Retreat. On Sunday are have a big day, with Mass for the Japanese deceased in the quake and tsunami. The Japanese Consul General will lead the shookoo(焼香) ceremony. The Japanese Catholic Community has already raised $40,000 for our suffering brothers and sisters in north/east Japan, and we hope for a good collection at the Mass.A famous singing group will attend and will sing Haru ga Kita in Japanese. Our Japanese Catholics will sing Mi mo Tama mo, the Lourdes hymn in Japanese, with the English-only people joining in the Ave Ave Maria. the conclusion of the Mass the Japanese Catholics and some non Xn Japanese will sing Nagasaki no Kane.
In the love and sugoi Passion of the Lord and His Mother,
your brother Paul.
Yoroshiku to Ward.
Paul Glynn SM
Villa Maria, 1 Mary St
Hunters Hill NSW 2110 Australia

Dear Paul,
It will be a joy to see you again, and to participate in the CCR Priests' Retreat. On Sunday are have a big day, with Mass for the Japanese deceased in the quake and tsunami. The Japanese Consul General will lead the shookoo(焼香) ceremony. The Japanese Catholic Community has already raised $40,000 for our suffering brothers and sisters in north/east Japan, and we hope for a good collection at the Mass.A famous singing group will attend and will sing Haru ga Kita in Japanese. Our Japanese Catholics will sing Mi mo Tama mo, the Lourdes hymn in Japanese, with the English-only people joining in the Ave Ave Maria. the conclusion of the Mass the Japanese Catholics and some non Xn Japanese will sing Nagasaki no Kane.
In the love and sugoi Passion of the Lord and His Mother,
your brother Paul.
Yoroshiku to Ward.
Paul Glynn SM
Villa Maria, 1 Mary St
Hunters Hill NSW 2110 Australia